Chain of Good heart

As you may already know, we have volunteers from various countries, from various companies.

People joined Nadia, they share their experience and the situation of Ishinomaki with their friends and colleagues once they returned their office after weekend.

And those who heard their story become our next volunteers.

In the second week of April, one guy who works for Société Générale joined us. And after coming back to Tokyo, he immediately took an action. He organized a charity event with his friends and colleagues and they kindly donated collected money to Nadia.

A chain of good heart didn’t finish with it. His Colleagues knew about Nadia and his commitment to Nadia, and 11 of them decided to join us the other day.

They were assigned to clean up a huge car maintenance company.



1st day was too hot, sweaty, thirsty, sleepy, tired… And 2 nd day was non stop rain, few hours of sleep, headache… But there’s work to be done, and they had a great team leader. Under his leadership as well as their teamwork and insight to read what to do next, they have done a great job.



 Good will produces a positive chain reaction. And teamwork produces great efficiency.

Welcome to Nadia, and we hope your story will be a part of  new positive chain.



Short story

Today, I would like to share a nice story with all of you, who helped in some way participating with Nadia activities.

nadia1I met Mr. Okada (not real name). One month ago, with his wife, in front of their half destroyed house. Both looked quite lost by what had happened to them. At that time, more than two months after the tsunami, they had been living on the second floor of their house, going to the refugee center once a day to receive food. His wife had lost 3 members of her family in the tsunami.

When we started helping them to clean their garden, backyard, and inside of the house., it was not easy: he did not know what to keep and what to throw away, so the volunteer work had to be slow, but we all put our full energy to clean the place at his pace.

His wife mentioned to us that she wanted to leave the nice house they had built in Ishinomaki and move toSendai, where their two daughters were working. The smell of rotting fertilizer from a warehouse behind the house was so strong that it was hard for us to work there, and for them to live there. She could not see herself living in the house in Ishinomaki again. Mr. Okada was planning to follow his wife toSendaiafter gathering some items from their house and garden.

That weekend, we all worked hard but could not finish the work started. The week after I went, other Nadia teams, one per week for 3 weeks in total, took over the hard work in his house and garden and we eventually finished the work.

Last week, I went to visit him to say hello. He was not home, but I had the opportunity to talk with his wife, who expressed her gratitude to Nadia volunteers. She was proud to show me the result of 3 weeks of Nadia volunteer work. Indeed, I had to admit: we all did a great job!

Their daughter incidentally made a phone call to her, and knowing that a Nadia member was there, she insisted to talk to me. With a voice full of emotion, she deeply thanked us to be there to support her parents, something she could not do with her job inSendai. I mentioned we would meet, around a cup of tea, when things will have settled down… in a few months.

Then, on June 27, while I was back toTokyo, Mr. Okada called me: he was sorry he could not meet me during the weekend in Ishinomaki. He took this opportunity to thank Nadia volunteers for the great help and constant support we have been giving for 3 weeks.

He gave me a big news: they are now ready to stay in their house in Ishinomaki (even though they will still have to live on the second floor for quite a while, and will still have to receive their food from the refugee center). The house and garden look good, and make them remember our intensive work, that was always done with smiling faces, positive energy, and enthusiasm. Thanks to Nadia volunteers, they learnt to accept the situation in a more relaxed way, being more laidback. They will repair the house at their own pace, and are looking forward a new future.

My turn now to THANK YOU all! For joining, for participating, for enjoying helping people, for bringing your friends! Our enthusiasm and goodwill makes the difference in Ishinomaki! I think the story here is not rare and am sure all of you who joined Nadia gave hope to all the people you helped.

There is still a lot ahead, we will find ways to help the reconstruction, so that people like Mr. Okada will have a normal life again. Looking forward to working with you again!

July 16-18 trip details / 7月16日~18日の活動内容



DEADLINE: JULY 10 (SUN) – 締め切り:7月10日(日)!

NADIA Volunteering Work on July 16 -18


Volunteering work time

  • July 16 (Sat) 8:30 to 15:00
  • July 17 (Sun) 8:30 to 15:00
  • July 18 (Mon) 8:30 to 14:30


  • Nadia will be arranging a bus to Ishinomaki if 30+ people join the trip
  • You can also join the trip by other means of transportation


  • NADIA provides accommodation at its HQ in Ishinomaki.(For PLAN 1 & 2 participants only)
  • Style: Japanese Style (futon mats in shared tatami rooms, blancket won’t be provided, so bring your own sleeping bag & pillow)

Participation PLANS (Please select one)

PLAN 1: NADIA Bus + NADIA Accommodation

  • Cost: 19.000 Yen per person
    • Includes: transportation by bus, 2 nights accommodation, 2 onsen access, 3 lunches and 2 breakfast (Sun+Mon) (excluding Sat breakfast and 2 dinners) and  we provide all the tools needed to work (sacks, shovels, crowbars, brushes…)
  • Departure: From Shinjuku on FRIDAY @ 23:00
  • Arrival in Ishinomaki: on SATURDAY @ 7:00AM
  • Departure from Ishinomaki: on MONDAY @ 15:00
  • Arrival in Tokyo: around 23:00 on MONDAY (depending on traffic condition).
PLAN 2: NADIA Accommodation ONLY

  • Cost: 4,000 yen
    • Includes 3 lunch boxes and 2 breakfast (Sun+Mon), + working tools (sacks, shovels, etc)
    • 2 nights (SAT+Sun)  or 3 nights (FRI+SAT+SUN)
  • Transportation: please manage your own transportation between Tokyo and Ishinomaki and between Ishinomaki and the NADIA accommodation facility. If seats are available, it is possible to use the bus to the Onsen for an extra 500yen.
  • Meeting point: NADIA Headquarters in Ishinomaki at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning: 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル(Miyagi-Ken, Ishinomaki-shi, Yoshinocho, 2-1-26, Suisan Bldg)

  • Cost: 2,000 yen per person/3 days
    • Includes: use of tools (Sacks, shovels, wheelbarrows, brushes, etc)
  • Accommodation: You MUST secure your own accommodation in advance. Beware that most hotels and Ryokans are fully occupied by working groups. NADIA will not be able to provide information on local accommodation. It is NOT possible to camp near the Minato-sho shelter.
  • Transportation: please manage your own transportation between Tokyo and Ishinomaki and between Ishinomaki and your accommodation facility,
  • Meeting point: NADIA Headquarters in Ishinomaki at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning: 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル(Miyagi-Ken, Ishinomaki-shi, Yoshinocho, 2-1-26, Suisan Bldg)


  • Volunteering insurance is MANDATORY to participate in NADIA activities. Please refer to our blog for information on how to get volunteering insurance:
  • NADIA can register for you for an extra fee of 2,000yen (see form)


  • By registering, you understand and agree that Nadia will not bear responsibility for any damage or injury that may occur during transportation, as well as during volunteering work.


  • Follow instructions on our blog about what to wear and what equipment to bring:
  • Do not forget to bring enough water or sports drinks!

Cancellation policy:

  • Please understand that we are charged in full for bus and accommodation cancellation and that NADIA doesn’t have the means to cover these costs. We will of course strive to lower these costs as much as possible by looking for replacement applicants. However, we ask you to agree on the following cancellation conditions:
    • Transportation: 100% transportation fee will be charged for cancellation occurring less than 5 days before departure

Personal information policy:

  • Your personal information will stay confidential and will be used only for coordination purposes.

Age of participants

  • Participants must be 20 years old and up
    • 18 to 19 years old need parental signature
    • 15 to 17 years old need to be accompanied with parents
    • 0 to 14 years old = not allowed to participate


Thank you in advance for your precious help and energy!


NADIA ボランティア活動・2011年7月16日~18



  • 7月16日(土)朝8時30分~午後3時
  • 7月17日(日)朝8時30分~午後3時
  • 7月18日(月)朝8時30分~午後2時30分


  • NADIAがバスを用意する予定です。(最低限30人が乗る前提条件付き、プラン1の参加者が対象)
  • バス以外の交通の場合、ご自身の手配で参加が可能です。


  • NADIAが現地の本部に宿泊になります。(プラン1・2の参加者が対象)
  • 敷き布団の用意はありますが、掛け布団、毛布はありませんのでご自身で寝袋&枕をご用意下さい)



  • 参加費:19、000円 (以下が含まれます)
    • 往復バス・現地の移動
    • 2泊+食事付(土曜日:昼食 / 日曜日:朝食・昼食/月曜日:朝・昼食)
    • 温泉入呂
    • コーディネーションや工具(どのう袋、スコップ、バールなど)
  • 日程:
    • 出発:新宿駅・金曜日23:00
    • 現地到着:土曜日・朝8:00
    • 現地出発:月曜日・15:00
    • 到着:新宿駅・日曜日・23:00(渋滞により異なる場合もあります)

  • 参加費:3000円 
    • 食事付:(土:昼/日:朝・昼/月:朝・昼)、コーディネーションや工具(スコップ、バールなど)含
    • 2泊(土日)又は3泊(金、土、日)
  • 日程: 
    • 集合場所:NADIA本部
      • 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル4F
    • 集合時間:7月16日土曜日 朝8:30前
    • 交通:ご自身で手配して下さい。

  • 参加費:2、000円 /1人/3日
    • 含:コーディネーションや工具(スコップ、バールなど)
  • 集合場所:NADIA本部
    • 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル4F
  • 集合時間:土曜日 朝8:30
  • 交通・宿泊:ご自身で手配して下さい。現地の宿泊は必ず事前に予約して下さい。NADIAでは交通や宿泊に関しての問い合わせはお断りします。


  • ボランティア保険は必須です。必ず加入して下さい。
  • 加入していない方は、受付することは出来ません。
  • 加入方法についてはNADIAホームページ又はお近くの社会福祉協議会にてお尋ね下さい。
  • 追加料金2000円でNADIAが手続きすることも可能です。フォームにてご記入下さい。


  • 当活動に参加登録することでボランティア活動中及び移動中の怪我や負傷に関して、NADIAは責任を負えないことをご理解とご了承を頂く同意になります。


  • 作業服や道具などをご自身で用意して下さい。ご参考まで、NADIAのHPをご覧ください(
  • 水・スポーツドリンクなどを十分な量をお忘れずに!


  • ご登録をされますと費用が発生しますので、キャンセルの場合は、以下の費用をいただく場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。
    • バス:出発1週間以内のキャンセルは、交通費の全額を徴収いたします。



  • NADIAの活動には20才未満の参加者が下記の通りきつく制限されています:
    • 18~19才:保護者の署名必須
    • 15~17才:保護者と一緒に参加必須
    • 0~14才:参加禁止


  • 個人情報は活動のコーディネーション以外の利用は一切いたしません。




July 9-10 trip details / 7月9日10日の活動内容



DEADLINE: JULY 4 (MON) – 締め切り:7月4日(月)!

NADIA Volunteering Work on July 9 – 10


Volunteering work time

  • July 9 (Sat) 8:30 to 15:00
  • July 10 (Sun) 8:30 to 15:00


  • Nadia will be arranging a bus to Ishinomaki if 30+ people join the trip
  • You can also join the trip by other means of transportation


  • NADIA provides accommodation in a Ryokan, nearby Ishinomaki.(For PLAN 1 & 2 participants only)
  • Style: Generally Japanese Style (futons in shared rooms)
  • It is also possible to stay at the HQ lodging facilities (for PLAN 3 ONLY)

Participation PLANS (Please select one)

PLAN 1: NADIA Bus + NADIA Accommodation

  • Cost: 25.000 Yen per person
    • Includes: transportation by bus, 1 night accommodation, all meals (excluding Sat morning breakfast) and all the tools needed to work (shovels, crowbars, brushes…)
  • Departure: From Shinjuku on FRIDAY @ 23:00
  • Arrival in Ishinomaki: on SATURDAY @ 8:00AM
  • Departure from Ishinomaki: on SUNDAY @ 15:00
  • Arrival in Tokyo: around 23:00 on SUNDAY (depending on traffic condition).
PLAN 2: NADIA Accommodation ONLY

  • Cost:
    • 1 night (SAT): 12.000 Yen/person
      • Includes: 1 dinner on SAT, 1 breakfast and 2 bentos lunches
    • 2 nights (FRI+SAT): 20,000 Yen/person
      • Includes: 1 dinner on SAT, 2 breakfasts and 2 bentos lunches
  • Transportation: please manage your own transportation between Tokyo and Ishinomaki and between Ishinomaki and the NADIA accommodation facility.
  • Meeting point: NADIA Headquarters in Ishinomaki at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning: 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル(Miyagi-Ken, Ishinomaki-shi, Yoshinocho, 2-1-26, Suisan Bldg)

  • Cost: 2,000 yen per person/2 days
    • Includes: use of tools (Shovels, wheelbarrows, brushes, etc)
  • Accommodation: You MUST secure your own accommodation in advance. Beware that most hotels and Ryokans are fully occupied by working groups. NADIA will not be able to provide information on local accommodation. It is NOT possible to camp near the Minato-sho shelter. Please mention if you wish to stay at NADIA HQ for an extra 1000 yen per person.
  • Transportation: please manage your own transportation between Tokyo and Ishinomaki and between Ishinomaki and your accommodation facility,
  • Meeting point: NADIA Headquarters in Ishinomaki at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning: 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル(Miyagi-Ken, Ishinomaki-shi, Yoshinocho, 2-1-26, Suisan Bldg)


  • Volunteering insurance is MANDATORY to participate in NADIA activities. Please refer to our blog for information on how to get volunteering insurance:


  • By registering, you understand and agree that Nadia will not bear responsibility for any damage or injury that may occur during transportation, as well as during volunteering work.


  • Follow instructions on our blog about what to wear and what equipment to bring:
  • Do not forget to bring enough water or sports drinks!

Cancellation policy:

  • Please understand that we are charged in full for bus and accommodation cancellation and that NADIA doesn’t have the means to cover these costs. We will of course strive to lower these costs as much as possible by looking for replacement applicants. However, we ask you to agree on the following cancellation conditions:
    • Transportation: 100% transportation fee will be charged for cancellation occurring less than 5 days before departure
    • Accommodation: 100% of accommodation fee will be charged for cancellations occurring less than 2 days before departure

Personal information policy:

  • Your personal information will stay confidential and will be used only for coordination purposes.

Age of participants

  • Participants must be 20 years old and up
    • 18 to 19 years old need parental signature
    • 15 to 17 years old need to be accompanied with parents
    • 0 to 14 years old = not allowed to participate


Thank you in advance for your precious help and energy!


NADIA ボランティア活動・20117月9日~10



  • 7月9日(土)朝8時30分~午後3時
  • 7月10日(日)朝8時30分~午後3時


  • NADIAがバスを用意する予定です。(最低限30人が乗る前提条件付き、プラン1の参加者が対象)
  • バス以外の交通の場合、ご自身の手配で参加が可能です。


  • NADIAが現地宿泊の予約手配します。(プラン1・2の参加者が対象)
  • プラン3の方はNADIA本部に宿泊可能です。(追加料金:1000円)



  • 参加費:25、000円 (以下が含まれます)
    • 往復バス・現地の移動
    • 1泊+食事付(土曜日:昼食・夕食 / 日曜日:朝食・昼食)
    • コーディネーションや工具(スコップ、バールなど)
  • 日程:
    • 出発:新宿駅・金曜日23:00
    • 現地到着:土曜日・朝8:00
    • 現地出発:日曜日・15:00
    • 到着:新宿駅・日曜日・23:00(渋滞により異なる場合もあります)

  • 参加費:
    • 1泊(土):12、000円 食事付:(土:昼・夕/日:朝・昼)


    • 2泊(金、土):20,000円食事付:(土:朝・昼・夕/日:朝・昼)

> 両方含:コーディネーションや工具(スコップ、バールなど)

  • 日程: 
    • ² 集合場所:NADIA本部
      • 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル4F
    • 集合時間:6月4日土曜日 朝8:30前
    • 交通:ご自身で手配して下さい。

  • 参加費:、000円 /1人/2日
    • 含:コーディネーションや工具(スコップ、バールなど)
  • 集合場所:NADIA本部
    • 〒986-0015 宮城県石巻市吉野町2丁目 1-26 石巻水産ビル4F
  • 集合時間:土曜日 朝8:30
  • 交通・宿泊:ご自身で手配して下さい。現地の宿泊は必ず事前に予約して下さい。NADIAでは交通やホテル宿泊に関しての問い合わせはお断りします。NADIA本部に宿泊希望はフォームにご記入下さい(追加料金1人1000円)


  • ボランティア保険は必須です。必ず加入して下さい。
  • 加入していない方は、受付することは出来ません。
  • 加入方法についてはNADIAホームページ又はお近くの社会福祉協議会にてお尋ね下さい。


  • 当活動に参加登録することでボランティア活動中及び移動中の怪我や負傷に関して、NADIAは責任を負えないことをご理解とご了承を頂く同意になります。


  • 作業服や道具などをご自身で用意して下さい。ご参考まで、NADIAのHPをご覧ください(
  • 水・スポーツドリンクなどを十分な量をお忘れずに!


  • ご登録をされますと費用が発生しますので、キャンセルの場合は、以下の費用をいただく場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。
    • バス:出発1週間以内のキャンセルは、交通費の全額を徴収いたします。
    • 宿泊:出発2日以内のキャンセルは、宿泊代金(食事を含む)を全額徴収いたします。


  • NADIAの活動には20才未満の参加者が下記の通りきつく制限されています:
    • 18~19才:保護者の署名必須
    • 15~17才:保護者と一緒に参加必須
    • 0~14才:参加禁止


  • 個人情報は活動のコーディネーション以外の利用は一切いたしません。




Our new HQ facilities !

NADIA is getting organized !

Adding to the 4F of the Suisan Bldg. that you know very well, we have now exclusive use of the 6F terrace apartment. It is large enough to lodge around 20 people in nice tatami rooms and has an all-round terrace with a view of Ishinomaki-by-the-sea! The nice breeze makes it very comfortable at night too.

On the 4F, there is another large room that will be transformed into a tatami room where another 10 people can rest.

Nearby, we also have 2 apartments with 2 rooms each, where an additional 20 people can stay.

All this will improve the convenience of getting up to Ishinomaki on Friday night or early in the morning of Saturday. Yes ! Bus riders will be able to take a nap before their hard-day work !

The bus will take us to a nearby “Michi-no-eki” with a beautiful onsen complex with retaurants and convenience store.

All you need : your sleeping bag and your favorite pillow

Optional: your teddy bear !

Welcome to NADIA HQ !

Black mud White dust Sturdy nails and Happy smiles!

NADIA wouldn’t be anything without the strength and vitality of all the volunteers who come along every week and work just as professionals.


The work is visibly progressing in Ishinomaki and this is thanks to everyone’s effort. It is obvious that the uncertainty of future reconstruction plans becomes heavier every day that passes by. But our help definitely brings hope and motivates the community not to give up and imagine the bright nice and green environment coming up.


Lots of houses remain to be cleaned out of mud and debris and we need to assure a constant presence in Ishinomaki. Lots of people now live in houses with open floors and are waiting their turn to get refurbishing help, that might not come before over 6 months at the earliest. NADIA is willing to give hands to accelerate this stagnating situation and is foreseeing the reconstruction steps that will begin soon. We are putting things into place to move further. Stay posted for our coming new plans !


For the time being, we are moving on to offer cosy terrace-apartment lodging in the middle of port town Ishinomaki! Check-out our new PLAN 1 for July !

img_0895 img_0896

NADIA Information Session on Wednesday, June 22 in Tokyo

NADIA is an international volunteering group that brings direct manpower to help people affected in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture (soon to become an NPO).

We will hold a 45 minutes information session on Wednesday, June 22 to discuss:

  • Who we are
  • What we do
  • Feedback from our first 13 trips to Tohoku
  • Our plans for upcoming months and how you can support our efforts

Info Session Details:
Date & Time:           Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 18:30
Meeting Location:   Deutsche Bank Group office, Sanno Park Tower, 19 Floor, Conference Room 1
Address:                   Sanno Park Tower, 2-11-1 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-6171

To attend, please RSVP with your 1) name, 2) contact telephone number and 3) e-mail address to:


NADIA needs your opinion !

We are considering changing our lodging location to HQ. This would mean cheaper trips and easier access and coordination, but it would also mean less comfort (we’d provide futons and fans), going to a public onsen and strict rules about cleaning and noise. In this case, which plan would you opt for? (tentative plans!)

NADIA has a new logo !!!

t nadia

Thanks to the kind efforts of Tom Sagiuchi, NADIA can now be identified with an original logo !

Green for hope, simple round letters for friendliness, and a globe to show that hands don’t have nationalities.  

Our logo creators:

On Namiki. Creative Art Director

Tom Sagiuchi Producer

Three months have passed

We may live close, we may have our office near by, we may have friends in common, but three months ago most of us were total strangers.  But today we are here at Ishinomaki for one purpose. To bring  “Hope” to Ishinomaki.


47 crew gathered at our headquarter, some are veterans, some are new.  June 11 was the 3rd month since the tsunami wrecked the lives of hundred of thousands of people. It may not be in the TV news anymore, but people up there still need a lot of help. People are trying to keep their chin up and doing more than their best to go forward. Clocks in Ishinomaki city still point at 3:50, but their clock in heart never stops.


The amount of work to be done may seem hopeless and our small contribution to this may make us feel helpless.

But every week we receive hundreds and hundreds of “Thank you” words from people at Minato school area. We had cleaned a main hall of a temple, and cleaned up a huge graveyard, which may not be directly connected to their daily life, but the chief priest told us that people are actually crying for what we’ve done.

When we visited minato elementary school for the first time, the weather was still cold and entire city seemed gray with debris and muds. But three months after tsunami, a clear blue sky welcomed us, it was clear and shinny enough to keep our head up.


Our help is always needed.


member of 11-12/June