2023 Pediatric Brain Tumor Society Event

Nadia supported the annual overnight meeting of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Society! A rare opportunity to hear experts talk about the current status of pediatric brain tumors, including the latest treatments. With small children, either parent needs to take care of their children and cannot listen to the lectures. Nadia volunteers were very active and had a great time with the children. The children seemed to enjoy it. Several parents told us, “My child had a great time. Thank you very much!”


2023 Children’s Festival in Kadonowaki Town, Ishinomaki City


A children’s festival in Kadonowaki Town, Ishinomaki City. It was truly enjoyable and much fun. Due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and the three-year interruption caused by the new coronavirus, the festival had to be held on a reduced scale. Nevertheless, when people gather together, something important is born.
