Again this year, we have successfully organized one month home stay program for children living in Fukushima, “Fukushima kids in Italy 2014”.
In addition to 11 children who joined 2013, 14 newly selected Fukushima kids (Total 25) got a ticket to Italy to spend entire summer at loving Italian family.
It was not just a simple dream vacation tour, children studied really very hard before their trip in order to be able to integrate into Italian community. We had three months training period before the trip.
Through training camp as well as several orientation sessions, children learnt Italian language, learnt about Italian history and culture, got used to sleep without their parents and used to do daily things by themselves. By the time of the departure at Narita airport, all children learnt how to introduce themselves, how to count numbers, and how to express their emotion in Italian!
On Departure at Narita airport, Italy here we come!
Program Outline
Location: Rome, Lazio/ Naples, Campania
Length of Stay: 25/July – 22/August
Activities: One month homestay including outdoor activities at beach and parks, cultural exchange with local children and people.
On arrival at Rome airport, welcomed by host families
Having studied hard in Japan, none of them understood family’s words, so they used whole body to communicate with Italian people making full used of facial expression, gesture, dictionary, and sometimes even smartphone translation apps helped.
At first some suffered from Jet-lag, some suffered from homesick, others might just simply enjoyed. But all of them loved Italian life style and loving Italian family.
They loved Mamma’s pasta, homemade Pizza, having a family dinner on a long table
Everyday they played in the park, swam in the ocean until dark
Some learnt Italian dishes from host mother and when they returned to Fukushima they cooked for their family.
Children was so curious about Italian history, shocked by the fact that they were standing on the very spot where Julius Caesar and Augustus and others passionately made speeches more than 2000 years ago.
By the time a few weeks passed, all kids overcame jet-lag, home sick, started understanding Italian languages, spoke Italian well enough to fight with other Italian kids.
And their four weeks went too quick…On final day at Rome airport, tearful farewell with Italian families
We, energy fully charged Fukushima kids and NADIA staffs, all came back to Narita airport safely with bronze skin and big smile!
Again this year, 14 Fukushima kids found lifetime friendship, a family whom kids can visit every summer and holiday seasons. Kids decided to continue studying Italian in order to go back to their family next year.
We are so proud of you, Fukushima kids!
Thank you for your support, and see you this summer at Fukushima kids in Italy 2015
Special Thanks to:
Program partner
PUER Onlus
Program supporters
Alitalia-Compania Aerea Italiana
Capital Group
Davis LLP
Japanese School in Roma
Individual supporters