July 12-13 Tohoku Volunteering

The hot summer is coming! We are going to Ishinomaki to support the kids festival in Ishinomaki. This will be the 3rd time for us to support and it must be fun to see children growing up with the years. We are planning some other activities as well.

July trip date (2 days):
Friday 11 from 11 p.m. – return Sunday 13 in the evening.

The main activities is:
* Kids matsuri (festival)

Please bring your kids along! We will be helping out by preparing food and games for Ishinomaki and Kanto kids. This event was big fun last 2 years so don’t miss it. Japanese drums will also entertain all participants.

Adults will also be very helpful to carry the heavy shrine and support in making it a success. We hope to see many of you this time again!

Please sign up here

Building a playground in Fukushima

By Ron Choi

Figure 1. Our volunteers posing in front of the completed playground in Fukushima-shi, Fukushima-ken.

On the 8th of March, 2014, NADIA volunteers, in partnership with the members of Playground of Hope (PoH) and It’s Not Just Mud (INJM), built a beautiful playground in Fukushima city, Fukushima prefecture in Japan.  It was 24th build of Playground Of Hope and the third year anniversary of the March 11 triple disaster, which made it even more special.  It is well-known Fukushima was devastated by the triple disaster of March 2011.   The effects of that disaster were clearly seen even three years since.  The Wakaba kindergarten, our job site, had a large electronic display showing the real-time reading of a Geiger counter.   It was showing 0.065 μSv, which is around where Tokyo is.  The school ground was clearly safe, but the previously installed play equipments had to be taken away from the school grounds in the aftermath of the nuclear incident due the rain that deposited the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant.   All wooden and metal play sets had to be removed due to contamination.  The students didn’t have a play set to play on for three years.

Figure 2. This is why we do it.

Early march in Fukushima is undoubted cold.   It snowed throughout Saturday when volunteers built the play set.    Some assemblies had to be done indoors in the school gymnasium to not to expose volunteers to inclement weather.  The volunteers however never lost the positive spirit despite the less than ideal working condition.   Nishiyama-san, a National Diet member representing Fukushima, stopped by to encourage the volunteers.   The school staff was unbelievable hosts.  They also participated in the build activities.

Figure 3.  This is why we do it.

There are about 150 schools in Fukushima with the same exact predicament.  The play sets were torn down and taken away due to contamination, but even though school grounds are perfectly safe they do not have funding to rebuild the playgrounds.   Here’s one area NPOs like NADIA can play a huge role in financing and building the much-needed playgrounds.

Figure 4.  Kids love binoculars.

It was a great experience seeing the children absolutely loving the play sets we built.   Yet another reason to strengthen our belief in humanity and our conviction that we can make a difference in the lives of the victims of the March 11th disaster.

Figure 5. Our entertainer of the day, Guy Totaro, also known as Niko Niko Taishi, performed for 300 people from the neighborhood

This was a greatly planned and executed bus trip to Tohoku.  The Playground Of Hope team is continuously honing their skills in making good things happen in Tohoku region.   We show our gratitude to Playground Of Hope and It’s Not Just Mud staffs for their hard work and a great execution.  Also to all the volunteers who willingly gave their time and efforts on this project, we sincerely thank you.

Figure 6.  Made giant bubbles for the children before the opening ceremony.

Figure 7.  A student and a teacher enjoying the afternoon.

Figure 8.  Khilan Shah, one of the NADIA volunteers, making the base of a slide.

Figure 9. Members of the It’s Not Just Mud staff braving the cold to bring joy to the kids of Fukushima.

Figure 10.   We sincerely thank our volunteers for their hard work in building the playground.

Figure 11.   Nishiyama-san, a National Diet member, visited the job site to give us encouragements.

Fukushima Kids in Italy 2014


Fukushima Kids in Italy Project 2014

このプログラムは東日本大震災被災児童の支援を目的とする、特定非営利活動法人NADIA (日本 東京)とこれまで世界中の子供たちのイタリアでのショートステイ受入れをしてきた非営利法人PUER (イタリア ローマ)の共同プロジェクトです。イタリアでの異文化体験・ホームステイを通じて、次代の復興を担う子供達が笑顔いっぱいの夏休みを過ごし、心身ともにリフレッシュできるプログラムを目指し、子供達がこれからの未来にワクワクできる、そんな機会になることを希望します。

1. 派遣滞在国:イタリア共和国ラツィオ州ローマ・カンパーニャ州ナポリ
2. 派遣日程:2014年7月25日(金)~2014年8月22日(金) の1ヶ月間 (予定)
3. プログラム概要:ホームステイ、日伊文化交流、課外活動等
4. 参加対象者:東日本大震災をうけ、被災証明書を持参している児童(満6歳から満12歳)
5. 派遣人数:15名前後を予定

1. 東日本大震災時に福島県に居住し、被災者認定(原発事故による避難者含む)を所持し、現在も福島県内の小学校に通学する保護者の承諾が得られる日本国籍の満6歳から満12歳(日本出発時点)までの児童
2. 面談・および説明会等に保護者同伴(交通費は自己負担)で事前研修を受けられる児童
3. 心身ともに健康な方(有毛動物にアレルギーのある児童は不可とします)
4. プログラム趣旨に賛同し、異文化での生活に積極的に協調性を持って参加できる児童
5. 日本出発日およびプロジェクト開始日までに必要な書類の提出等の手続きが完了できる方



1. 往復航空運賃、燃油特別付加運賃、各種空港税
2. イタリアホームステイ参加費用(宿泊費、食費、交通費、現地プログラム費用含む)(注:ホームステイ中の滞在費、食費、交通費は現地の受入れ家族が善意で負担します)
3. 海外旅行損害保険費
保証期間: 30日間
保証内容: 損害死亡1000万円、損害後遺症 30~1000万円、治療・救援費用 1000万円、救援費用 300万円、緊急歯科治療費用10万円、個人賠償費用 1億円、携行品 20万円、航空機寄託手荷物遅延、10万円、航空機遅延費用 2万円

1. 旅券(パスポート)取得費
2. 自宅から集合場所(事前研修会場および成田空港)までの国内移動経費(宿泊費も含む)
3. 主催者で費用負担する旅行損害保険とは別に参加者が任意で保険に入る場合や予防接種を受ける場合の費用
4. 超過手荷物料金
5. 渡航時、空港等での飲食代などの個人的性質の諸費用およびチップ代


NADIA HP:  https://team-nadia.jp/
Project FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/Ciao2014FukushimaKids/
特定非営利活動法人 Nadia
Fukushima Kids in Italia 2014事務局 石田 宛
住所: 〒142-0062 東京都品川区小山台1-11-2

E-mail: tohoku.kids.to.italy@gmail.com

1. 書類審査
2. 電話・面談によるヒヤリング
3. 事前の説明会・セミナーへの参加にて適正判断


1. 提出された個人情報の取り扱いについては同意書に基づき、細心の注意を払います。尚、提出書類は返却いたしません。
2. 参加確定後、キャンセルされる場合、速やかにNPO Nadiaに連絡をしてください。
3. 航空券手配後、参加者の都合によりキャンセルされる場合は、所定の航空券取消し手数料およびそれに付随する振込み手数料は参加者のご負担となります。ご注意ください。
4. 出願書類等に関し、事実と異なる内容があると判断された場合、参加資格を取り消し、派遣をお断りする場合があります。
5. 海外派遣に関する合否の理由等に関してはお答えできませんのでご了承ください。

NADIAは東日本大震災を受けて皆の「何かしなくては!」という強い思いが集まり誕生した国際色豊かなボランティアグループです。「支援する手に国境はない / Hans have no nationality」をモットーに現在も後方支援ではなく、現場で目に見える形で東北の支援活動を続けています。




質問表 児童
質問表 保護者


Fukushima Kids in Italy 2014



【会場】郡山市民交流プラザ 大会議室2(29日)第2会議室(30日)
      住所:福島県郡山市駅前2-11-1 ビッグアイ7階

  • 団体概略紹介
  • プログラムのご案内
  • 参加児童及び保護者による体験談
  • 質疑応答


  • お名前
  • ご住所
  • 電話番号
  • 参加希望日
  • E-mailアドレス
  • 参加人数

      Fukushima Kids in Italy 2014事務局
      e-mail: tohoku.kids.to.italy@gmail.com




March 15-16 Tohoku Volunteering

It is almost 3 years since the disaster and it is great to learn that many schools will finally be re-opened in April, some by governments, some privately. It is so important to get these schools back up and running because otherwise parents are unable to return to the area, meaning that companies recovering from the disaster do not have enough employees.

While schools are being rebuilt, with many of them opening in April, these are being built with the very minimum resources due to the severe shortages of funding (especially for privately operated schools) and contractors who are in high demand.

Dogen-in is just one such example. A temple located at the top of the hill, became a refugee camp for more than 400 victims immediately after the tsunami for many weeks (http://www15.ocn.ne.jp/~dougenin/).  Having established a closer relationship with the community, and understanding the need for schools, they have raised more than JPY200m, including more than JPY100m of their own money as well as a 20 year loan for JPY68m. Even with such large monies, they had to cut back on many items which are not critical, including the playground.

Nadia has put together a number of sponsors and will be donating the following:

  • Earth to cover over the whole playground, still containing debris from the tsunami
  • A Playground of Hope playset (http://www.playgroundofhope.org/)
  • Wood-decking (cut out from the budget)
  • Grass and Spring Toys for 0-1 year olds

Now we need volunteers to build all these items over the weekend of March 14-16, in time for the opening ceremony of the Hoikuen on 16th March. The Volunteer Work will include the following:

  • Building of playset (led by PoH staff)
  • Moving earth from one heap across the whole playground (led by Nadia leader)
  • Laying down grass and building Spring Toys for 0-1 year olds (led by Horiuchi-san of Sakae Corporation)
  • Building Wooden Decking (led by Shirai-san of Craft Setagaya http://kraftman-setagaya.jimdo.com/)
  • Preparation of Opening Ceremony
  • If possible, flower planting at other schools nearby

The overall itinerary is as follows:

14th March – 11pm – Depart Shinjuku by bus
15th March – 6am – Arrive Ishinomaki
15th March – 8am-3:30pm -Volunteer work
16th March – 8am-10am – Volunteer work
16th March – 10:30am-2pm – Opening Ceremony
16th March – 2:30pm – Depart Ishinomaki
16th March –  9pm – Arrive Shinjuku

This will be a very hard-working, highly rewarding experience, with lots of fun with many great volunteers! In addition, volunteers will be welcomed at the Opening Ceremony on 16th where they can meet the kids and children we do this for, as well as those who helped make this work.

We hope many of you can join us!

Please sign up here

Fukushima Kids in Italy Project 2013

このプログラムは東日本大震災被災児童の支援を目的とする、アリタリア航空のチャリティマイレージプログラムのパートナーとして選ばれた特定非営利活動法人NADIA (日本 東京)とこれまで世界中の子供たちのイタリアでのショートステイ受入れをしてきた非営利法人PUER (イタリア ローマ)の共同プロジェクトです。イタリアでの異文化体験・ホームステイを通じて、次代の復興を担う子供達が笑顔いっぱいの夏休みを過ごし、心身ともにリフレッシュできるプログラムを目指し、子供達がこれからの未来にワクワクできる、そんな機会になることを希望し企画運営されました。

(男9 / 女9)

8/3 夏祭り(Japan Festival) 主催:ホストファミリー / 参加者:150
8/13 (14.00-19.00) バチカン美術館見学 参加者:9福島キッズ、日本語ガイド:ホストマザー(Claudia)
8/21( 9.30-15.30) 農場見学 参加者:大人26 / 子供21 






アリタリア航空 クラブ・ミッレミリア「東北チャリティー」
アリタリア航空(本社イタリア・ローマ)のマイレージプログラム クラブ・ミッレミリアでは「チャリティー・プログラム」の一環として、お客様の善意のマイル寄付を受け、世界中の子供達を救うための活動を展開しています。集約されたマイルは、参加NPO法人を通じ、治療にあたる医師の派遣、治療を受ける子供の航空券などに充当されてきました。この度、日本のクラブメンバーの要望を受け、アリタリア航空日本支社とNPO法人NADIAとの協力のもと、2013年東北の子供達をイタリアに派遣する「東北チャリティー」を立ち上げました

PUER Onlus

NADIAは東日本大震災を受けて皆の「何かしなくては!」という強い思いが集まり誕生した国際色豊かなボランティアグループです。「支援する手に国境はない / Hands have no nationality」をモットーに現在も後方支援ではなく、現場で目に見える形で東北の支援活動を続けています。

ABARTH フィアットグループジャパン
Capital Group
Davis LLP 高橋&デイビス法律事務所
MzCorbino Design LLP

後援: 在伊日本大使館

Building a playground in Minamisanriku

By Ron Choi

Figure 1. The completed playground in Minamisanriku, Ishinomaki.

On 28th of September, 2013, J.P.Morgan volunteers, in partnership with the members of Playground of Hope (PoH), It’s Not Just Mud (INJM) and NADIA, built a beautiful playground in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. Minamisanriku was devastated by the tsunami of March 2011. The volunteers saw the effects of that disaster in one of the areas of the city that was completely washed away. They stopped by the Crisis Management Building where Miki Endo, one of the municipal employees who stayed the building until the last minute to alert the residents to evacuate. It is said she saved hundreds of lives. The steel frame of the three-story building where she perished was still standing. The volunteers paid homage before departing to the job site.

Figure 2. This is why we do it.

This was the second of the playground builds by J.P. Morgan. In terms of scale, it was a much smaller operation compared to the first one in Watanoha area in Ishinomaki, where an entire park was renovated. In the Watanoha build, we had 30 volunteers from J.P. Morgan and over a dozen other volunteers from partner NPOs. In this trip we had 11 volunteers from J.P. Morgan and about a half a dozen people from partner NPOs. However it lacked in size of the operation, it certainly made up for it in the level of enthusiasm by the surrounding communities.

Figure 3. This is why we do it.

600 flyers announcing the playground build activities accompanied by BBQ were distributed in the temporary housing compounds in the surrounding area. About 180 people showed up to celebrate the opening. The venue, an expansive area next to a main road fully covered with grass, most definitely helped the volunteers to interact with the local residents. A very large number of children from the temporary housing compounds — the most ever in any of the playground builds so far — whole-heartedly embraced the volunteers. The children played tag for hours with the volunteers, chased down giant soap bubbles, and after the BBQ started lining up behind the roped boundary around the play set that was completed only a few minutes before the ceremony. There was a large commotion emanating from the kids who have been suffering from play deficit. We made our opening speech very short, so the kids can go at the playground. And go at it, they did. We counted up to 50 kids playing on the play set at one point in time. It was the most children we’ve seen on a play set ever. Given that this was 18th Playground of Hope to be built in Tohoku area that is saying something. Upon seeing this, some of the volunteers were overcome with emotions. This was something our volunteers rarely experienced in their lives – their hard work over a weekend making a difference to those who need it the most. The children in temporary housing area really need to play. Their living condition in cramped overcrowded rooms and no access to safe place to interact with other kids induce a great deal of stress in their young lives. This was something they have been longing for more than two years since the tsunami. Now they have a place to gather and play with their old and new friends safely, all thanks to our wonderful volunteers.

Figure 4. A BBQ was held before the opening ceremony.

After the BBQ and opening ceremony were over, all of us played with the children and had some time to reflect upon that weekend’s activity. By all measure it was a fabulously successful project. But more than anything we came away realizing how much impact this playground will have on the children. This place will provide countless moments of joy to the children in the neighborhood. They will grow up having memories of happy times they have had at the playground. We hope that it will help them overcome the hardship and stress they have to face each day. We hope they will grow up to be constructive and positive individuals.

Figure 5. Our volunteers preparing food for the large contingent of kids and family from temporary housing in the surrounding area.

After all the planned activities were over, the volunteers cleared out the area of tools and materials. As our bus started driving out of the parking lot, we noticed many of the residents and children walking toward us and waving good bye. They were showing their gratitude. It was a very touching moment for all who worked on the project. To all the volunteers who willingly gave their time and efforts on this project, we sincerely thank you.

Figure 6. Michael Anop and Jamie El-Bana, of It’s Not Just Mud, putting on the roof with the volunteers.

Figure 7. Our new lovely playground waiting for kids to arrive.

Figure 8. We had hundreds of hamburger patties and sausages. Children especially liked the chocolate fondue.

Figure 9. Having a large area covered with grass provided us ample opportunities for volunteers to interact with the children. They played tag with the kids for hours!

Figure 10. We sincerely thank our volunteers for their hard work in building the playground.

nadia’s support to Haiyan Typhoon victims in Philippines

nadia’s moto is to bring relief and hope to victims of natural disasters. nadia has been very active in Japan Tohoku region since March 2011 following the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Seeing the level of devastation affecting the Philippines following Haiyan Typhoon, nadia felt compelled to help. We believe grass root organizations such as Second Harvest are most effective in bringing relief to local population and therefore would like to dedicate our fundraiser to support Second Harvest Asia in the relief of Philippines victims of Haiyan Typhoon. 100% of the funds received by nadia through this campaign will be donated to Second Harvest Asia.

Click here to get to the donation page.


NADIA’s Annual General Assembly is open to the public. However, room constraints limit us to 30 people including executive members. Please register early to secure your seat.

DATE: November 26, 2013, 7:00 pm

PLACE: Our charity partner, Societe Generale is kindly offering us a conference
• Ark Mori BIdg., 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6015 Japan
(Subways: Nanboku-line Roppongi icchome)

MAIN AGENDA (subject to change):
– Reminder of NADIA’s vision and endeavors
– Previous year’s activities and budget report
– Next year’s projects and budget
– Structure of the NPO
– New appointments
– Q&A

We need the following information both for NADIA official GA records as well as for communication purposes in case there is any change in dates or place.

Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you soon,

Playground of Hope Report

June 28 – 30, 2013 │ Miyagi
Organised by NPO NADIA together with Playground of Hope (PoH), which works with communities to site and build playgrounds to recover the region’s deep sense of community, and It’s Not Just Mud (INJM), another Tohoku based volunteer organization, Deutsche Bank Group (DBG) employees constructed a playground at a newly established pre-school in Ishinomaki-city, while repairing and sprucing-up three others in parks and pre-schools across the town.

The coastal town was one of those in Japan’s north-east most heavily damaged by the tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011. The playgrounds finally replace play areas lost in the disaster and, as they bring children together, help parents and neighbours to recover their sense of community.

Thirty-two DBG employees from Japan and across Asia united for the a joint volunteer project to build and refresh playgrounds in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture between June 28-30. The volunteers from DBG, NADIA, PoH and INJM worked in teams of 4-5, taking turns on various aspects of the playground’s construction, from preparing components, to assembling the structure and preparing the grounds as safe play areas. Each team also helped improve at least one of the three other playgrounds previously installed by PoH to ensure their longer-term usability, and ensure they remain well maintained and attractive to children, their parents and neighbours.

With the completion of the main site on June 30, the volunteers then hosted children and neighbours to a mini-festival to celebrate the area’s reconstruction and handover the playground to its host community. As children raced to be the first on the playset, the school’s founder explained to all how much the playground meant to the community, telling them, “We have come a long way in the last two years and overcome much. This playset helps ensure our children only see a bright future ahead of them.”

DBG has been a direct supporter of NADIA since April 2011 and many of its employees have participated on multiple volunteering trips. The June 28-30 playground project trip marked the first collaboration project between NADIA, PoH and INJM in Tohoku. Thanks to the signification donation from Deutsche Bank Group and its employees, NADIA, PoH and INJM were not only able to build this new playground in Ishinomaki but also established 2 new playground facilities in Shinchi, Fukushima Prefecture on July 6 and 7.